ACFE - Fixing SVTS Errors

Enrolments (NAT 12), Subject Enrolment Identifier has changed
This error occurs when changing the details of enrolments from previous SVTS uploads. Enrolments done in a previous AVETMISS software product.  ...
Thu, 29 Jul, 2021 at 11:50 AM
Subject Unit (NAT 60) The Subject Identifier must be unique
This error occurs as each SVTS requires one record per Subject Unit. The problem stems from providers delivering the subject unit from Term 1, Term 2, Term ...
Mon, 22 Jan, 2024 at 10:28 AM
Locations (NAT 20) Training Organisation Delivery Location
This error occurs as subject units don't have a valid location, take the following actions  1. Go to Main Menu select Education then Settings  ...
Mon, 22 Jan, 2024 at 10:26 AM
VET in School Flag (NAT 120) must not be blank
This error occurs when an enrolment doesn't have marked Yes or No to VET in Schools.  If you receive the following error in the SVT...
Thu, 29 Jul, 2021 at 1:02 PM
National Outcome ID 20 invalid
This warning occurs when a National Outcome code is selected for a preaccredited training course. These codes are used to  identify the result or o...
Thu, 29 Jul, 2021 at 1:21 PM
NAT 80 Unprintable character error message
SVTS doesn't like hyphenated or accented student names  "è" eg Mónica in  the NAT file 80.   If ...
Thu, 29 Jul, 2021 at 1:42 PM
NAT 85 Client's address won't validate in the AVETMISS Report or returning an SVTS error
This address error commonly occurs when a student lives in an apartment / unit or SVTS has assigned a different suburb to the one Google Maps uses.&nbsp...
Fri, 30 Jul, 2021 at 11:29 AM
120061: A duplicate enrolment cannot exist in the Training Activity (NAT00120) file
This error occurs when there are duplicate enrolments in a subject unit. For instance 3 students are enrolled in 2 classes but are only attending one. Thi...
Fri, 13 Aug, 2021 at 12:07 PM
SVTS report shows fee for service on enrolments for free ACFE funded courses
When you've successfully completed an SVTS upload and you check through the Validation Outcomes Error Report and see Fee for Service and want this infor...
Tue, 17 Aug, 2021 at 11:31 AM
Resolving a NAT 120 file Record Disabled
An SVTS error may occur in the NAT 120 file based on a Record Disabled Fields  To resolve this problem  1. Go to Main Menu&am...
Tue, 17 Aug, 2021 at 11:40 AM