This error occurs as each SVTS requires one record per Subject Unit. The problem stems from providers delivering the subject unit from Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and the unit name, code, subject field, and hours of delivery being inconsistently applied,
1. Go to Main Menu then Education select Parent Subject in the Search field enter Subject Unit Code
2. Once the Parent and Subject Tile is displayed select Edit
3. In the Subject Units pane find the subject unit and select View
4. In the Basic Info pane select Edit
5. If your Subject Unit repeats from Term 1, Term 2 ensure the Name for VET Reporting is the same
6. Check that the Nominal Scheduled Hours ie 25 is the same for each Subject Unit
To fix this problem, add up all the hours per student 20 + 20 + 20 + 33 / divide by the no of courses 4 (= 23.25) then round to the nearest whole number 23. Change the hours per student in all the subject units.
7. Check that each Unit has the same Subject Field
8. Check that its marked Yes - Is this intended to be vocational training?
8. Then update the NAT file by going back to Main Menu > Education > Reports > AVETMISS and refresh the file
9 Then download the NAT file, check that you only have the one subject unit code. If you do then your ready to do the upload again.