Once you have created your site and spaces you can now take venue hire bookings

1. For organisational venue hire bookings 

You can create a venue hire booking from the:

 Entity > List 

2. For client / individual hires

Clients > Client List  

3. To enter a new organisational or client hire

Venue Hire > Current


4. Go to Main Menu select Venue Hire then click on Current. Now select the + Add Client Hire or + Add entity hire 

Enter Primary Point of Contact if the person doesn't exist 

Select for new organisations

5. Select the Purpose of Hire (if no options appear go to Venue Hire Purpose tags)

6.  Enter Activity Type (required) to categorise the hire based on NH Victoria reporting labels

7. Enter Other Details of Hire detail the requirements for the hire such as the setting up of chairs etc

8. Specify the type of Attendees ie children, youth for Centre reporting purposes


9. Select the check boxes around the Conditions of Hire – Alcohol will be served, Public liability insurance has been provided, Hire agreement received and signed

10. Determine the hire being run over the public holidays 

11. Enter in the Location Information select the Space

12. Set up the Dates select From Year 2021, 2022 then select from Month select Update Calendar. Enter in the Recurring Date Pattern starting from Month, Week and Day. In the Calendar selected dates will appear Orange click on individual dates to de-select.


13. Enter the Start time 9.00 am eg. enter AM or PM, enter the How long does it go for? Enter the Hours and Minutes enter a Setup / Packup time or Buffer between session. 


14. Finally Review your selection to make sure everything is correct check for school and public holidays


15. Select the Check for Conflicts button to see if the room is already booked at that time.  If there are conflicts when submitting the hire the user will be redirected to a page to manually resolve conflicts

16. Select setup of hire agreement if this is the first time the hirer has used the Centre's spaces 

17. Then select Add Venue Hire

18. The hire has now been created. 

19. Edit the Details pane to update the hire status ie New to Approved and edit the hire arrangements ie purpose, details 


20. Go to the Sessions Tab

21. Review the sessions created for the hire. All sessions will be set to Pending.  All sessions will appear as a group called General. If you want to change the name to better reflect the hire arrangements select Edit

22. The session tile as its pending will be coloured yellow. The blue band shows the set up and pack up times and the green band shows the hire duration. 

23. Use the pencil icon to edit the individual session 

 24. To make changes to all sessions created select on Select/Deselect All 

Select the buttons on 

  • Update Status - change sessions to Pending to Approved
  • Adjust Date/time- move sessions forward and back in Days, Hours, Minutes
  • Change Duration - change the hire time
  • Set Location - change to another space within your Centre
  • Create schedule - sessions and times that form the invoice


19. Go to the Fees tab 

20. In the Quote pane, the hire / biller's detailed are displayed. Select edit to make changes to the biller.

21.  In the Edit Quote Details window, change to a different biller by selecting the drop down for Available Recipients (for this person to appear they must be a contact and biller) 

22. Use the Message appears before / after line items to include extra information on the invoice. For instance include the room number,  the day of the week, and the hire duration to make it extra clear the hire arrangements. 

23.  Show accounting and tracking codes that have been assigned to the space. Select the pencil to change the name of the schedule, you may want to change it to a monthly billing cycle ie Term 1 2023 - February 

24. To enter the session dates and costs of the hire. Go to Location or Global Location Pricing tables and select the Arrow next to the pricing item ie Community

25. In the Pricing Quote, click on the Deselect All 

26. Select the Schedule and press Add

 27.  The quote includes all the session dates use the pencil icon or x  to edit each session date  ability to change unit qty, unit amount, inc GST and Amount 

28. Select the Create button to generate a draft invoice

29. To create a venue hire agreement, please read this help article