If a client goes on holiday, needs to be placed on a waitlist or is an unsuitable fit for an activity, their status must be changed through the Activity Request Tab.

  1. From the Frontdesk, go to Requests and select Current.

  2. Requests can be filtered by Client or Activity. And further filtered by Status and Approval Status.

  1. The client’s tile will have a tagged Status, and Approval Status.

    • Status type

      • New - If a client completes an online booking.

      • Action Required - If a staff member books on behalf of a client.

      • Done - If all tasks have been completed.

      • Archived - If the client has been removed from the activity booking list. 

    • Approval Status type

      • In Progress - If staff need to review the booking.

      • Approved - If a client is approved to attend. 

      • On Waiting List - If an activity is overbooked. 

      • On Hold - If the client is unable to attend.

      • Rejected - If the client is removed from the activity.

  1. For example, this client was booked by a staff member, and needs to be reviewed, their status and approval status are Action Required and In Progress respectively.

  1. However, say the client is unable to attend, we can click Actions, then Update status to reflect this change, then click Save.

The status of all booking requests for an activity can be found in the bottom-right hand corner of the activity tile.