1. Go to Main Menu, select Clients then Client List
  2. Enter Client Name in Search Bar
  3. Select the Actions button above Client Tile and Create Activity Booking
  4. Use the Select button to choose the Activity
  5. Select the Transport Ticket Type
  6. Choose a Payment Option
  7. Tick Automatically Approve this Booking (if required)
  8. Tick Allocate to All Available Sessions (if required) choose a Session Date for commencement.
  9. Review the Booking Request Complete.
  10. Select the Settings Button
  11. Requests Tab, Enter Client Name in Search Bar. A Label within the Client Tile will display Transport Requested Travel To and Requested Travel From
  12. Go to the Travel Tab, choose an Activity session, select a Travel Plan (view Adding a Travel Plan to Activities and Events workflow)
  13. Travel Plan tile created, select Actions, Add Passenger (include clients and staff) when picking the person up from their home. Select Add default address to itinerary
  14. Select Actions, Add Itinerary when a passenger is needing to be picked up from an address other than their home.
  15. Select Actions, Add Itinerary when a driver/companion has to provide passenger with assistance, such as help with their mobility aid.  
  16. If the Travel Plan has the same passengers and the same itinerary for all future Sessions, select Actions and click on Assign to Other Sessions
  17. To send a copy to Bus Driver, go to Travel Plan, select Actions and Send to Person

- add driver's name and email address