- Go to Main Menu, select Clients then Client List
- Enter Client Name in Search Bar
- Select the Actions button above Client Tile and Create Activity Booking
- Use the Select button to choose the Activity
- Select the Transport Ticket Type
- Choose a Payment Option
- Tick Automatically Approve this Booking (if required)
- Tick Allocate to All Available Sessions (if required) choose a Session Date for commencement.
- Review the Booking Request Complete.
- Select the Settings Button
- Requests Tab, Enter Client Name in Search Bar. A Label within the Client Tile will display Transport Requested Travel To and Requested Travel From
- Go to the Travel Tab, choose an Activity session, select a Travel Plan (view Adding a Travel Plan to Activities and Events workflow)
- Travel Plan tile created, select Actions, Add Passenger (include clients and staff) when picking the person up from their home. Select Add default address to itinerary
- Select Actions, Add Itinerary when a passenger is needing to be picked up from an address other than their home.
- Select Actions, Add Itinerary when a driver/companion has to provide passenger with assistance, such as help with their mobility aid.
- If the Travel Plan has the same passengers and the same itinerary for all future Sessions, select Actions and click on Assign to Other Sessions
- To send a copy to Bus Driver, go to Travel Plan, select Actions and Send to Person - add driver's name and email address