Social Planet provides a time-saving cloning option if an activity recommences from one term to the next. You no longer need to recreate your activity painstakingly; you can now copy all the information across to a future term/semester.

  1. From the Frontdesk, head to the Activities header, click Current.

  2. Search for the relevant activity, click on Actions and select Clone, displaying the Clone Activity Promotion page. 

  3. Review relevant information, including whether to clone tickets, team members and notes. Then select Next Step

  4. Add Sessions

    • Add session dates by selecting From Year and From Month.

    • If your activity is a recurring event, select the date pattern from the choices under “Is there any recurring date pattern?”.

      • Days on which the activity takes place will be highlighted in orange.

    • Add Start Time, formatted as hh:mm xm (hour:minute am or pm)

    • Enter Hours and Minutes for the activity duration.

  5. Click Add Activity, the Details tab of the Activity Summary page will be displayed.

  6. Click Edit on the Basic Info panel, and change Internal Name to delete “Copy of Activity Name”.

  7. On this page, make any changes you’d typically make to an activity, such as Booking MethodSession Packages and Ticket Prices.

  8. This cloned activity’s publish status is Draft, you must republish this article to make it public.

For ACFE classes that must have a linked subject unit –

  1. Scroll down the Details tab to the Subject Units for Enrolment, click +Link Subject unit.

  2. Select relevant Subject Unit, click Add. 

Make sure to archive the previous activity, to do so –

  1. From the Frontdesk, head to the Activities header, click Current and then Edit on the previous activity to see the summary tabs.

  2. On the Publishing panel, select Edit, move Publish Status to “Archived”.

  3. This activity can be found under the Archived section of the Activities header.