1. Go to Main Menu, select Education and click on Parent Subjects 
  2. Enter the Parent Subject Name in the Search field
  3. Select the Edit button above the Parent Subject Card 
  4. Click on the Add button above the Subject Unit pane
  5. The Add Subject window will be displayed
  6. The Parent Subject information will be replicated 
  7. Update the Subject Unit Name 
  8. Update the Subject Unit Code use a code that uniquely identifies this Subject. ie. Add the Term period
  9. Add the Nominal Scheduled Hours, these are the number of hours of supervised teaching activity (including assessment times) that you've scheduled for the subject.
  10. Enter a Start and End date 

  11. Enter the Subject field, if the subject or unit of competency is nationally accredited, the nationally recognised name must be used.

  12. Tick Yes if the subject Is intended to be vocational training? To identify Programs/Subjects where the intention of the curriculum is to provide vocationally (including further education) relevant skills.

  13. Tick Yes if this Is part of a VET in Schools Program? Students can undertake VET in school as part of their school studies - delivered and resourced by a school registered training organisation (RTO).

  14. Select the delivery location of where the training will be held. 

  15. Use the drop down list to select whether the training will be delivered Internally, Externally or Workplace 

  16. Select Yes if the training is to be reported to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS) through an AVETMISS NAT File.

  17. Press Add

    1. Once a Subject Unit has been added, view it within the Subject Units pane. 

    2. The Subject Unit Code (ie 20ALNEAT2), 

    3. Name (ie. English As An Additional Language)

    4. Start and End Dates 13 July 2020 - 18 Sep 2020 

    5. VET Name (ie. English for Work Skills) 

    6. Report Year (Green means that its reportable, Red is non-reportable)

    7. Select View button to edit the Subject Unit and view Enrolments

    8. Select button to delete the Subject Unit (not advisable if its linked to a Class and includes student enrolments)