Parent Subjects is the place to create and view all the Accredited Training Subjects. 

Most ACFE classes are delivered multiple times across a year, delivered from Term One to Term Four or Semester One to Semester Two. 

First create a Parent Subject and the first initial subject which can then be duplicated. 

  1. Go to Main Menu, select Education click on Parent Subjects 
  2. Reporting Year is based on the on the AVETMISS submission year. Subjects are automatically allocated to a reporting year for inclusion in the NAT files based 
  3. Click on the Add Parent Subject button. 
  4. The Add Parent Subject page will be displayed. 
  5. Parent Subject heading 
    1. Enter a Parent Subject Name ie. English as an Additional Language 1. The name wont be included in the AVETMISS Report. 
    2. Add the Parent Subject Code ie 20ALNEAL1
    3. Enter the Total Hours, the number of service hours across the time period, the ACFE class will be running ie. 160 hours if the course is 40 hours per term * 4 terms. 
  6. Initial Subject Unit heading 
    1. Subject Unit Name, which can be the same as the Parent Subject Name. If the subject or unit of competency is nationally accredited, the nationally recognised name must be used. The subject name should meaningfully indicate the subject matter of the module. 
    2. Enter the Subject Unit Code which will be included in the AVETMISS Report, the code must reflect your ACFE delivery plan. For instance if the subject is English as an Additional Language and delivered across four terms, enter T1 at the end of the subject unit to show that the course is delivered in term 1 ie. 20ALNEAL1T1 
    3. Start date when the training course will commence.
    4. End date when the training course will finish.
    5. Nominal Scheduled Hours, These are the number of hours of supervised teaching activity (including assessment times) that you've scheduled for the subject.
    6. Subject Field, Select the area of study the subject will cover in the Class, using the drop-down list.
    7. Tick Yes if the subject Is intended to be vocational training? To identify Programs/Subjects where the intention of the curriculum is to provide vocationally (including further education) relevant skills.
    8. Tick Yes if this Is part of a VET in Schools Program?  Students can undertake VET in school as part of their school studies - delivered and resourced by a school registered training organisation (RTO).
    9. Select Include in reporting if you want to report your training delivery to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS) through an AVETMISS NAT File.
  7. Delivery Location 
    1. Use the drop down to select the Existing delivery location for where the training will commence or select add a new delivery location
  8. Delivery Method 
    1. Internal delivery, Is classroom based training where the students and teacher are using a permanent training delivery location.
    2. External delivery, Is where the training is delivered online and where the student undertakes training in their own time with educational materials being provided.  
    3. Workplace-based,   This is where training is delivered in the workplace  and can encompass work experience, field placement, fully on-the-job training or structured workplace training delivered at a place of employment.
    4. Primary Delivery Method, select the primary way the training will be delivered eg. if its external and workplace-based select which delivery method is mostly used.
  9. Select the Add button