The Bookings tab provides you with a client’s history of all their activity payments. Use the Search bar to filter for activity payments by typing in the activity name.   

The Client Payment Tile displays - 

  • Activity Name ie Coolart Homestead
  • Booking Status - Approved
  • Staff member responsible for the booking ie made by Tuan Do
  • Date and time the Activity Booking was made  
  • Date/Package/Ticket ie date of the session, no of tickets (sessions) and if the tickets have been allocated
  • Payment amount, and method of payment if Credit Card is used last four digits of the card will be displayed.
  • Transport has been included as part of the booking request

When a person uses their Credit Card as a payment option for an Activity Booking.  Social Planet automatically sends them an emailed copy. If for whatever reason they require another receipt or if it needs to be printed.

  1. Go to the Actions button then View Statements
  2.  Select the statement date and the Activity Booking Receipt will appear.
  3. The Receipt Information will display
    • Ticket type
    • Activity Price
    • GST amount

    •  Payment Method and payment details

  4. Select the button to download or to email a copy